Digital Being

February 28, 2015 Exhibition


Today, our life belongs to the digital world and electronic devices are the most necessary parts of our life. Taezoo Park is an interactive media artist who created an exhibition called ‘Digital Being,’ using and reforming discarded electronic devices. He explains ‘Digital Being’ as “kinetic installations of technological garbage based on the hypothetical existence of an invisible and formless creature born within the circuits of electronic waste.”

On February 2nd, ‘Digital Being’ was opened to the public at the Gowanus eWaste Warehouse, where Taezoo Park is the organization’s first artist-in-residence. He installed ‘Digital Being’ in the eWaste Warehouse from unwanted electronics recycled there. The show presented his massive installation with tons of electronic product transformations. Blinking traffic lights, tangling wires, broken computers and many other electronic devices became a monolithic art block. However, the installation is based on each sensor in each machine which affects people to think the digital art piece is alive.

One of his latest extensions of Digital Being, named Fan Being, was presented and sold at the show.  The most fun thing I experienced from the exhibition was the interactions with the broken and unusable devices. They turned into a new form of digital art which makes me feel they are living and connecting with my movements. ‘Fan Being Kit,’ a tiny version of Digital Being that let me make my own device, delivers the joy of making a small installation by my own hand, and it gives me a close interaction between myself and Taezoo’s tiny electronic monster.


The Lower East Side Ecology Center
469 President Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215



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