Alone Together

March 5, 2015 Exhibition

The internet world connects everyone in the digital world. We cannot separate ourselves from the internet life because we can share our ideas, news and all other parts of life through the internet. Ryder Rippes’s 'Alone Together' shows how we connect each…

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Digital Being

February 28, 2015 Exhibition

Today, our life belongs to the digital world and electronic devices are the most necessary parts of our life. Taezoo Park is an interactive media artist who created an exhibition called ‘Digital Being,' using and reforming discarded electronic devices. He…

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Voyage to the VIrtual

February 21, 2015 Exhibition

We visited an interesting media interaction exhibition at Scandinavia House in NYC, called Voyage to the Virtual. I love the dreaming title of the exhibition. These days, I've been interested in studying how users can understand visual information using logical…

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